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Mar 13, 2024
In User Help
Hello All, I am finally getting the Jag v-12 running... its been rebuilt with new rings/ valve lapping/ bearings in spec/ updated oiling system/ cam sensor/ etc . i clean installed newest ( dec 2023) FOME onto the proteus F4 and updated the tune-- only one error about a graph needing to be fixed. so that seems to be good. i had it set for Wasted spark, and it seemed to be only firing on every other rotation. not every rotation. I have a video i can post on youtube of the timing light on the crank wheel to show this . BUT ... now i have put the cam sensor into the wiring. so am trying to make that work. question. how do i set the cam sensor spark firing? so can pick spark #1 fires on first revolution... or second revolution... of crank? ( fire on first half or second half of cam revolution) ? switching this in software and seeing which setting works is easier than taking apart the cam system to check it manually. Thanks gents! and hopefully this thing will run this week. bill


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